How coaching can help you get the best bang for your divorce dollar

So many women who are in the process of a divorce feel like...

  • They have no power or any control over any decisions that are made.
  • The divorce costs are out of and they have no control over them.
  • They are losing – losing power and/or losing in the negotiations.
  • They are unsure of what they really want.

Enter Divorce Coaching.

Having a personal divorce coach can help you be focused on YOU and what you want - not on your ex or all the drama.

It can help you take back your power AND save you money during this difficult time in your life.

I’ll help you create a vision to pull yourself forward rather than treading water or getting sucked in.

Divorce coaching gives you tools to better understand what’s driving your emotions so that you’ll know what you want and why you want it.

You’ll gain a clearer understanding of what’s worth fighting for and what’s OK to let go.

Divorce coaching can also save you money with your lawyer or financial advisor.

Since you’ll be clear on what you want, YOU focus on what is most important and manage those relationships. Can you imaging what an empowering feeling that can be?

If you need to talk to someone about your divorce, contact me to schedule a time for your complimentary 30-minute Session.


How to manage overwhelm during your divorce (and beyond!)


How divorce coaching can help your identify and strengthen your support system