How to NOT be afraid of The Big Bad Wolf in your divorce

It can be so easy to get triggered in a split second by your ex. 

The years of arguing and having contrasting points of view can come gushing back with an off-the-cuff comment, a certain look, or even no action at all.

Sometimes it can seem like you’re fighting with The Big Bad Wolf. 

You know what I mean? The angry, spitting wolf with the snarling teeth and the evil red eyes that makes you want to cower in a corner or go cry to your friends meanwhile wishing it would all go away.

But you can’t let it go away. It keeps you up at night or puts you into a funk for days.

I’m here to offer a way to not be afraid of The Big Bad Wolf.


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Because here’s the thing: It’s all just noise!

It may feel like what your ex does or says matters a lot - especially when it comes to your kids or your financial arrangement.

It may make you feel as if you want to talk with your ex and work it out like you tried to do in your marriage.

But in reality, all that matters is what you want and what you think is best.

That’s why in my coaching I help you get crystal clear on your values, yourgoals and how you want to feel.

When you are more connected with your life, and when you can look at that first - It’s a lot easier to see the Big Bad Wolf for what it is, a cartoon character!

And doesn’t focusing on what you believe is right feel better than anything your ex could do or say?

Take back your power by focusing on you.

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The next time you feel triggered by your ex, try this simple exercise to go from scared and threatened to laughing and confident very quickly.

Download “How to Find and Use Humor to Heal From Your Divorce” right here.

Because it’s time. Your future is calling. I’m here to help you make it bright!

P.S. Do you have a neighbor, close friend or co-worker that this would apply to? Instead of saying “I’m so sorry you are going through this,” how about forwarding them this free gift?


How to envision your life on the other side of the tunnel + a special offer!


Why the “why” doesn’t matter