[Fall Sale] Dana's Story

I want you to meet my client Dana

Dana came to me in a panic.

She had had what she thought was a happy marriage - until her husband had confessed to an affair and announced that he wanted a divorce.

She was shocked.

She felt as if the rug had been pulled out from underneath her life. 

The divorce process was happening so quickly that she was stressed beyond belief. This isn’t what she imagined for her life, and she didn’t know how it was all going to turn out.

She was so scared!

We began our coaching process by putting the focus back on her. 

We talked through HER values and what SHE wanted - not what her ex wanted.

Can I tell you how refreshing that was for her?

Each session we worked through issues such as her financial situation, her parenting choices, and her overwhelm at it all.

And, when we were halfway through our coaching time, she went home to visit family.

They remarked right away that she seemed taller.

They said, “something’s different, what are you doing?

She replied, “I’m working with Chris, a Divorce Coach!” 

Yep! That’s the beauty of taking back your power - feeling more confident and clear about who you are and where you are headed!

Want to stand a little straighter like Dana did? Take advantage of The Transition Navigator Fall Sale!

Read all about The Transition Navigator here. 

Have questions? Contact me and we can chat.

Through these 3 coaching sessions I’ll help you create tools that work for you.

You are the captain of your life - give yourself the tools you need to effectively navigate your journey.

Do you have a neighbor, close friend or co-worker that this would apply to? Instead of saying “I’m so sorry you are going through this,” how about forwarding this email?


How to thrive solo when your kids are with your ex


[Fall Sale] So you can exhale again after divorce